SAS Technical Field Days
Within the SAS training activities 2017, the R+D department, led by its manager: Luis María González, organized two field days that were attended by 50 people: in addition to the development department, all technical and commercial equipment National and International, including all consultants from the different markets.
Over the course of the two days, different representative fields of sweet fruit in the provinces of Lleida and Huesca (Spain) were visited; with different necessities and problems: pear, apple, plum, peach, Saturn peach and nectarine, as well as the Agricultural Research Institute of the Catalonia Government (IRTA), fruit tree nursery: Certiplant and the fruit cooperatives: Miralcamp Fruits (pome fruit) and Fresbacin-Fraga (stone fruit). All fields had previously been visited by the R+D team to gather all their technical data and characteristics (nutrition, problems …).
The objective of these days was to interact technically and agronomically among the technicians based on the information collected in the technical dossier of the fruit fields, with the intention of unifying criteria and improving the technical recommendations of the sales force, always thinking about our customers.